2019 Media Overload

As 2019 is coming to an end in this entry I’m going to reflect on the passed year and the media I’ve consumed, starting with a glance at my own blog. It has been almost two years since I published the very first post “Stray Bullet” (January 23, 2018). Since then I’ve written 117 blogposts... Continue Reading →

Spirit In The Night

This blogpost was supposed to be a celebration of Clarence "Big Man" Clemons, as June 18th marked the 7th anniversary of his passing. As I started writing I realised rather quickly that it was also going to be a celebration of comradeship. The story of how Clarence Clemons met Bruce Springsteen for the first time... Continue Reading →


I doubt that there is anything deep and profound that I can say, that haven't already been said about the song Jungleland . It is a masterpiece and a favourite song for many Bruce fans. It was released in 1975 on the album Born To Run. It is often described as an epic 10-minute anthem. It... Continue Reading →

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